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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NcppxamlThe main CppXAML namespace
 NutilsVarious utilities
 CAppControllerAppController is responsible for coordinating XamlWindow instances, can extend their wndproc, and provides an opportunity to hook up event handlers once a XAML UI becomes live
 CSimpleNotifyPropertyChangedHelper base class to inherit from to have a simple implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged
 CTypedXamlEventA default event handler that maps to Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler
 CXamlEventA default event handler that maps to Windows.Foundation.EventHandler
 CXamlPropertyImplements a simple property (without change notifications)
 CXamlPropertyWithNPCImplements a property type with notifications
 CXamlWindowImplements an HWND based host for XAML Islands. You can create a XamlWindow from one of three overloads of XamlWindow::Make