template<typename T > |
| cppxaml::MakeContentControl (winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable i) |
| Create a XAML element of a class that derives from ContentControl
template<typename T > |
| cppxaml::MakeContentControl (winrt::hstring v) |
| Create a XAML element of a class that derives from ContentControl by wrapping a string as its content.
template<typename T > |
| cppxaml::MakePanel (const std::initializer_list< cppxaml::xaml::UIElement > &elems) |
| Creates a XAML element of a type that is a subclass of Panel .
template<typename C > |
auto | cppxaml::ContentDialog (C i) |
| Creates a ContentDialog
auto | cppxaml::StackPanel (const std::initializer_list< cppxaml::xaml::UIElement > &elems) |
| Creates a StackPanel .
template<typename TElements > |
| cppxaml::Grid (details::GridRows gr, cppxaml::details::GridColumns gc, TElements &&elems) |
| Creates a Grid with the specified rows, columns, and children.
auto | cppxaml::TextBox (std::wstring_view text=L"") |
| Creates a TextBox
template<typename T , typename TItems > |
| cppxaml::MakeItemsControl (const TItems &items) |
| Creates a XAML element of a type that derives from ItemsControl
template<typename TItems > |
auto | cppxaml::AutoSuggestBox (const TItems &svs) |
| Creates an AutoSuggestBox from a list of items.
| cppxaml::TextBlock (std::wstring_view text) |
| Creates a TextBlock from its text content.
template<typename C > |
auto | cppxaml::Button (C c) |
| Creates a Button.
auto | cppxaml::FontIcon (std::wstring_view icon) |
| Creates a FontIcon from a string.
auto | cppxaml::FontIcon (uint32_t glyph) |
| Creates a FontIcon from a glyph codepoint.
auto | cppxaml::MenuFlyoutItem (std::wstring_view text) |
| Creates a MenuFlyoutItem with the specified text.
template<typename... TMenuFlyoutItemBase> |
auto | cppxaml::MenuFlyout (TMenuFlyoutItemBase &&... items) |
| Creates a MenuFlyout from a list of MenuFlyoutItems
- Author
- Alexander Sklar
Copyright (c) Alexander Sklar
Licensed under the MIT license